Seize the opportunity of the times and take advantage of the situation


The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. A new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation are advancing by leaps and bounds. Innovation has become a key variable in reshaping the global and regional competition pattern. Only by continuously strengthening scientific and technological innovation can we provide a surging source of power for high-quality economic development.

Continuously deepen the reform of the science and technology system, and stimulate the "innovation power" with "talent vitality"

Talents are the first source of power for the development of science and technology. Therefore, by providing a more suitable development environment for innovation, we can fully stimulate the vitality of talents. Gather global factor resources to optimize the development pattern of science and technology. According to statistics, in 2021, 22 projects hosted or participated in by units in Chengdu won the National Science and Technology Award, and the R & D investment intensity of the whole society was 0.45 percentage points, an increase of 16.9 over the same period last year.

In the newly released 2021 Global Innovation Index, Chengdu ranks 39th in the world, up 8 places from last year. In recent years, focusing on the construction of a scientific and technological innovation center with national influence, Chengdu has deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, and the construction of an innovative city has achieved remarkable results.

Keyword: Seize the opportunity of the times and take advantage of the situation